IDK about you but I’m that person who always wanted the opposite of what I had growing up. I always wished I needed glasses, really wanted curly hair, and always wanted freckles. When I was younger, I used to draw them on with my mom’s eyeliner pencil! More recently, I’ve been using Freck to draw them on because my life wasn’t a cute IG freckle filter. :(
A few months ago, I stumbled across an Instagram post that completely gave me life - a girl was showing off the new freckles she had just gotten tattooed on! SHOOK. I wanted them so bad, but just couldn’t picture committing to something as permanent as a tattoo on my face. But after doing some research, I found out that they could be microbladed on (the same way your brows can be microbladed), making them semi-permanent and a lot better for my indecisive mind.
WITHOUT ANY FURTHER THOUGHT, I booked an appointment with Alicia at Arch and Glow LV and was laying on that chair a few weeks later!
Alicia started by numbing my face (literally the same process as microblading) for about 20-30 minutes. Once the numbing cream was wiped off, I was totally numb across my cheeks and nose. She drew on the freckles with a marker and I was able to add/remove as desired. We went for a really subtle look, focusing more on the nose and only taking them out to about half-way of my cheeks. I figured it’s easier to add more later on than it would be to remove and it wouldn't be as drastically shocking this way!
Once the microblading started, I literally didn’t feel a thing. No pain, no discomfort, nothing at all. The entire freckling process took about an hour (30 for numbing, 30 for the actual work) and that was it!
I FELL IN LOVE IMMEDIATELY! There was a tiny bit of redness that lasted for a few hours, but honestly I was out that night and it was business as usual. They looked a bit dark because they were fresh, but lightened up over the next few days. I’d say they were 100% healed by day 5. The color faded to a natural mole color, so they actually ended up matching my beauty mark which is great!
Aftercare was super easy. Just don’t get them wet for the first few days, avoid products that contain glycolic acid because it causes them to fade faster, and HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE during the healing time. That’s it!
Now I feel like a real-life IG filter. My freckle dreams have come to life and I couldn’t be more stoked!